Wednesday, June 27, 2007
3 Best Tips for Hawaii Vacation Rental Owners
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Will Hawaii Vacation Rentals Benefit from New Super Ferry?
There has been much controversy surrounding the Hawaii Superferry, scheduled to start service July 1, 2007, between the islands of Oahu, Maui and Kauai with added service to the Big Island in 2009. Arguments opposing the new ferry range from environmental issues associated with the harbors, possible travel of invasive species from island to island, concern over the saftety of the seasonal humpback whales and the potential for illegal drug traffic to move between islands. Information available on the Super Ferry Web Site shows that these issues are being addressed, and also the state senate bill approving an Environment Impact Study to go ahead, will also address these problems.
My question on this blog is Will Hawaii Vacation Rentals benefit from the superferry?
It is very likely that the locals might use the new super ferry more than tourists to the islands. Imagine if you are a crafts person, and live in Oahu, Maui or Kauai. The new super ferry will enable you to load up your van with all your goods and travel to one of the neighboring islands to attend craft fairs and swap meets. You probably will not choose to stay in a hotel because of the expense so chances are you will decide to search Hawaii Vacation Rentals, and rent from an owner for a more affordable accommodation.
If you are a trades person and work is slow on Kauai, the ferry will enable you to put all your tools and equipment into your vehicle and take a job on Oahu, where there may be more opportunities for work. Perhaps your job will take a month or more so you may search for Oahu Monthly Vacation Rentals for great rates. Many local families like to get away to a different island for their vacations. The ferry will enable them to put their luggage, surf boards, pets, baby seats, cooler and other vacation necessities into their car with no airport hastle or picking up a rental car at their destination. Renting from an owner provides affordable accommodations on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and the Big Island.
It may just be that the Hawaii Super Ferry will stimulate the local economy more than benefit tourists. A reason for this is the cheap interisland flights now available through Go, Hawaiian and Aloha airlines. Most tourists are only on the islands for a couple of weeks so may opt for a flight over a longer ferry ride. There are of course the snowbirds who come to Hawaii to escape the cold winters of Canada and the Northern US. The new super ferry might appeal to these "Kama aina" tourists, as they will have more time to explore the other islands. More than likely these snowbirds will opt for Hawaii Vacation Rentals over hotels for accommodations on the islands.
We, Pua and Keoki at Best Hawaii Vacation Blog, think that tourists will like and use this new way of interisland travel. It's different, offers new scenery and is soooo relaxing! When you see the island of Maui from Kawaihae on the Kohala Coast, just like you could touch it, one can understand that travel by boat comes to mind immediately. Too bad that it will take another 2 years, till Kawaihae Harbor is ready for the Super Ferry.
Let us know what you think about the Hawaii Superferry. Mahalo and aloha, Pua Kohala Coast Vacation Guide
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Aloha and welcome to Best Hawaii Vacation Blog. Our Hawaii blog title and blog description in the header tells you already what the blog is about. Let's try to say it differently though, more focused on the reader than the Google search engine.
Best Hawaii Vacation blog is a Hawaii weblog (blog) website aimed at those interested in Hawaii Vacation including accommodation at Hawaii hotels or private vacation rentals or beach front condos, travel tips for cheap air fare to Hawaii and car rental discounts on Hawaiian islands, favorite things to do in Hawaii and everything else which makes your trip to Hawaii your Best Hawaii Vacation.
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When it was time to move on, we continued to share our experience as long-time hosts in the Hawaii vacation rental business with Hawaii Big Island visitors on our two new sites: HawaiiAffordableVacationRentals is designed for Big Island rental owners to list their vacation rental for free. At the same time, visitors to the Hawaii Big Island can easily find Big Island vacation rentals island wide according to their budget and expectations.
Our other site is KohalaCoastWeb.com. This site was created to supply Hawaii visitors with the most comprehensive information on the Kohala Coast. The site is over 100 pages and is still growing. Kohala Coast Vacation Guide lists Hawaii vacation & Big Island information with emphasis on Kohala Coast vacation, including a selected list of Kohala Coast vacation rental homes.
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With blogs conquering the web and replacing more stagnant websites with no fresh content, we decided to develop a Hawaii blog which deals with all the vacation needs of the Hawaii traveler at new, different perspective. Thus Hawaii Best Vacation Blog was born.
We'd like to close the gap between visitors and vacation hosts. We are not another corporate Hawaii blog whose main goal is selling you Waikiki hotel packages, Hawaiian cruises, golf course discounts and such. If we come across some great deals, we will definitely share those with our Hawaii blog visitors. This blog is about people's experiences, ours and our blog visitors, and what it takes for your Best Hawaii Vacation. Little things contributing to the big picture of a unique Hawaii vacation.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
When to visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island

Read more on recent and future lava flow at Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii Volcanoes National at West Hawaii Today article 'Eruption Pattern changes'
In any case, when the lava starts flowing again, we recommend night time visits but pay close attention to the signs of the Park rangers and take plenty of water and variety of clothes - ocean front is extremely hot and one gets dehydrated from walks to lava flows easily - whereas at 3000 ft elevation of the Hawaii Volcanoes Park, it gets quite cold when the sun has set. Believe us the visit will be an experience of a lifetime, with or without lava flow. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Big Island Vacation Guide
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Volcano Watch Big Island Hawaii
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Big Island Vacation Trip Report 1
Mahalo to Joe Duck from Online Highways for his Hawaii Big Island Trip Report.
For me the big “surprise” of Hawaii was how relaxed and uncrowded it was, even during Spring break, *except* in the Honolulu area surrounding Waikiki Beach. A little research after our trip of a few years back told me that almost all Hawaiian tourism happens in the few square miles of Honolulu right around Waikiki Beach, the stretch of beautiful white sand and surf that curves in a gentle crescent around the surf side of Honolulu. Pearl Harbor was also fairly crowded, though even these “busiest” parts of Hawaii were easily manageable.
I think the kids remember the high rises, beach, and trinket shopping in Honolulu the most but my wife and I enjoyed our stay at the Keauhou Bay Resort, an “Outrigger” Brand Hotel about 10 miles south of Kona on the big Island. Our first room was too low and with a bad view but they relocated us to higher floor where we enjoyed a great view of the surf and swaying palms. Hawaiian hotel lobbies are often in the open air in a patio like setting, and that was the case at the Keauhou Bay. The restaurant also was “outside” but under a roof, next to a nice small pool and within view of the surf. The immediate area was a sometime home of King Kameahameha, the dude who unified the islands (sometimes with brutal force), but is still celebrated as one of Hawaii’s great historical figures. A recreation of his small house is still on the grounds.
the Keauhou Bay Resort Hotel was somewhat isolated from the big groups of resorts and hotels located at Kona and at Waikoloa. Kona appeared to cater more to the “middle class” where the huge resorts at Waikoloa tend to cater to the wealthiest visitors to the big island. Based on our short visit to Waikoloa the resorts there seem to spend a lot of time “recreating” Hawaii at the resort grounds and pools rather than having you experience it a bit more directly on the beaches and the small city of Kona. However if you want to be pampered more you’ll probably want Waikoloa places.
The big Island is not nearly as big as I’d expected - you could drive completely around it in 5 hours 20 minutes using the main Hawaii Belt Road that circles Hawaii (this is pretty much the key main road on the big Island, though there are a few other big roads in Waikaloa area.
Links to some key attractions of Hawaii:
DO NOT MISS the historic native village at Honaunau a US National Historic Park. This is a “must see” to understand Hawaii before colonialism. A beautiful recreation of a native polynesian village with interpretive information.
Kealakekua Bay is where Captain Cook first landed. He was greeted by Hawaiians peacefully and left, but then returned and was killed. The monument area offers excellent snorkelling as part of a *great* full day adventure that was the highlight of our Hawaii trip. No special skills required though it is a bit physical unloading and loading the boats on the car and into the water:
* Rent Kayaks and snorkelling equipment at one of the places south of Kona. We used “Kona Boys” and they were nice.
* Drive to the put in area at Kealakekua Bay. There were some folks hanging out there to help put in and take out for tips, but we just did it ourselves.
* Kayak out to near the monument. You can take out on the rocks north of the monument and then snorkel the reef around there. Lots of fish, great “drop off” to deep water.
Keep an eye out for Dolphins, or even whales. Dolphins are most likely in the mornings and evening.
Hilo is Hawaii’s largest city but not nearly as big a tourist destination as the Kona area. However our drive along the Puna Coast offered some of the most scenic views of the trip. At the end of the road is a great fish and burger cafe, and you can walk from there to the black sand beach that used to be among the world’s most famous until the area was overrun by Lava from Kilueau. Now you’ll see the beach in the process of eroding away into black sand again and note the coconut palms planted all around by a local. Although technically you could hike to Kilauea from here it is many miles away, not recommended, and could be dangerous.
Kilauea Volcano - Walking right up to the red molten lava flow, and seeing a lavafall shooting into the ocean were, for me, a personal “life’s great moments” kind of adventure. Eruption updates.
Kona Coffee: Be sure to do one of the many coffee tours offered just south of Kona at the small coffee plantations. Our 40 minute tour showed the trees and the process. Also it was “free” (though you should give the guide a nice tip) and including sampling several Kona blends and taking away some free avocados from their trees.
Yes, there is a lot more to note about Hawaii, but I need to move on to some new destinations. We’ll do more Hawaii later….
We invite all our readers to join our Hawaii Trip Reports. Write a short trip report about your Hawaii vacation on Oahu, Kauai, Maui or Hawaii Big Island or Molokai and Lanai. Hawaii visitors would like to hear where you stayed, island, hotel or vacation rental, and what you did on your Hawaiian vacation. Please, email us your report. When approved, your Hawaii trip report will be published immediately. Mahalo and aloha Pua Hawaii Kohala Coast Vacation GuideRelated Articles which other blog visitors read
How to have a great Big Island vacation and Save Money
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
How to have a great Big Island Vacation and Save Money

With us having lived on the Kohala Coast for so many years, it goes without saying that we recommend vacation homes on the sunny Kohala Coast...white sand beaches are all in an easy 10 -15 minute drive, the Kohala Coast area offers the best access to Mauna Kea summit adventures (one does not need to ski the mountain but star gazing is available to everybody at the Mauna Kea Visitors Center), Kona with Hawaii Ironman Triathlon in October and Hilo with famous Merrie Monarch Hula Festival at Easter are both a convenient 1hr drive away. Even exploring Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and watch the lava flow of Kilauea can be done within a day trip. Why not stay at one of those nice Volcano logdes or cottages for one night!
Monday, June 18, 2007
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Best Hawaii Vacation Articles
How to have a great Hawaii vacation and Save Money
3 Reasons to Visit Hawaii this Summer
How to have a great Maui Vacation and Save Money
How to have a great Kauai Vacation and Save Money
How to have a great Oahu Vacation and Save Money
How to have a great Big Island Vacation and Save Money
How to get free vacation brochures for Hawaii
What you need to know about your best Hawaii vacation
Hawaii Vacation with Kids
Your best Hawaii vacation
Which Hawaiian island is your favorite?
Do I need to rent a car for my Hawaii vacation?
When is the best weather for your Hawaii vacation?
How to find best Hawaii car rental
5 best secrets for your Hawaii spa vacation
5 Hawaii Myths you should know about
How safe are Hawaii Beaches - A Life and Death Story
Best Beach Big Island
Get a Taste of Hawaii now
Where can I find Hawaiian music
Hawaiian gifts from the Aloha State
Learn how to hula
Hawaii Lei greetings with Hawaian flower leis
Best Hawaii Photos
Hawaiian Calendar Girls
Things to do in Hawaii
Biggest Waves on North Shore Oahu
Horseback Riding in Hawaii
Best Hawaii Helicopter Tours
Hawaii Humpback Whale Encounters
Surfing in Hawaii
Best Hawaiian luau show
Hawaii Hula Festival
Poipu Kauai Vacation YouTube video
Ever wanted to be an Ironman?
Getting married in Hawaii
Visit Aloha Festival Events on your Hawaii Vacation
Places to stay in Hawaii
Where to Stay in Hawaii This Summer?
Hilton Waikoloa Village Big Island
Hawaii Vacation Packages for Fall Vacation
Best Hawaii Vacation Destination
Kohala Coast Hotels & Resorts
Kohala Coast Vacation Rentals & Vacation Homes
Hawaii and Celebrities
Celebrities in Hawaii
Donald Trump in Hawaii
Best Hawaii Vacation Resources and Vacation Tips
Best Time to Visit Hawaii
Hawaii Weather Today and Island Forecasts
How much Does a Hawaii Vacation Cost
Best Hawaii Guidebooks for Vacation
How to get free Hawaii Vacation Planners
Big Island Vacation Trip Report 1
Maui Vacation Trip Report 1
Molokai Vacation Trip Report
Moving to Hawaii - Vacation For Ever
Hawaii Island Life
Best Price Hawaii Home for Sale
Feel free to let us know, which Hawaii blog post should be included in the list and why. Looking forward to hearing from you. Mahalo and aloha, Pua Kohala Coast Vacation Guide
Tags: Best of Hawaii, Hawaii, Save money in Hawaii
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Alaska Airlines New Service to Hawaii
Dear Hawaii travelers,
Great news for Hawaii visitors from Seattle. Alaska Airlines Hawaii vacations recently announced its new service to Honolulu on the Island of Oahu and Lihu'e on the Island of Kauai. Alaska Airlines will offer daily year-round nonstop flights between Seattle and Honolulu, and between Seattle and Lihu'e on the island of Kauai. Alaska will also launch seasonal service between Anchorage and Honolulu. Go here for Alaska Airlines Promo
Seattle-Honolulu starts October 12th;
Seattle-Lihu'e begins October 28th;
Anchorage-Honolulu starts December 9th.
All flights operate daily with Boeing 737-800 aircraft.
Hawaii Fares
Look for fares as low as $162* each way, from Seattle to Honolulu, and $202* each way, from Seattle to Lihu'e. Book today. Use Alaska Airlines Promo code for your flight reservation to Honolulu or Kauai.
Based on travel Monday through Thursday. Seats are limited. Check alaskaair.com for availability and restrictions. Have a great Hawaii vacation. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacation Rental Specials
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
How to have a great Oahu Vacation and Save Money!

Waikiki beach is a nice white sand beach but it can be very crowded. However, Waikiki fancy shops, fine dining restaurants and nightlife attract lots of tourists. For budget shopping, we recommend to take the bus to Ala Moana Shopping Mall. Same applies to restaurants. If you look for affordable lunches and dinners, just walk down a few streets from Waikiki. There are also plenty of condos Hawaii Oahu vacation rental options, if you want to have your own vacation rental place with kitchen.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
How to have a great Kauai vacation and Save Money!

Be prepared though for frequent tropical downpours but these make the island so lush and green. After the downpour, the sun is fast out again and the most beautiful rainbows will be displayed. The readers of 'Travel & Leisure Magazine' have voted Kauai as the best island in Hawaii to spend your vacation 3 years in a row.
With miles of sandy beaches and no resort next to it, Kauai offers lots of quiet spots for relaxation or meditation away from hotel crowds and resorts. When looking for nightlife action, then Kauai is probably not the right place for your Hawaii vacation. Did you know that a Kauai rule is that no building may exceed the height of a coconut tree? So, even on the Kapaa Coconut Coast the height of condo resorts is not higher than 3 or 4 stories.
Going further north from Kapaa on the one and only road the traveler gets to beautiful Kauai's North Shore with Princeville Resort as a centerpiece. Princeville Resort includes a luxury Sheraton hotel and 10 condo complexes plus lots of new timeshare golfcourse condos. Hanalei is the laid back center of North Shore life with Hanalei Bay beach attracting families with kids because of the calm ocean. Hanalei is the gateway to the wild Na Pali Coast. Be aware that the North Shore has quite a bit more rain than the south point of Kauai.
Kauai Vacation Links
Hawaii Beach Safety Tips for Kauai Beaches
Saturday, June 9, 2007
How to have a great Maui vacation and Save Money!

Our Best Hawaii Vacation Blog provides you with comprehensive information about all the Hawaiian Islands to make it easier for Hawaii travelers to decide which island they want to visit for their Hawaii vacation, whether they were looking for a cheap Hawaii vacation, coast inexpensive vacation condo Kona Hawaii, family Maui vacation rental Hawaii or a Kailua Oahu Hawaii private home.
Hawaii vacation means to most visitors relaxing on white sand beaches and swimming in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean when the Mainland is haunted by cold or rainy weather. The best Maui beaches are located on the West Coast from Kapalua to the historic port of Lahaina with lots of Maui resorts. South Maui is another beach attraction area. Kaanapali is the big family oriented resort area with about 3 miles of white sandy beaches. Whalers Village, a seaside mall with about 48 shops and restaurants is very popular among all Maui visitors. For budget accommodations, Maui condos in Honokowai, Kahana and Napili (built in the 70s), offer excellent bargains at a great location, in a short distance from Kapalua and Kaanapali resort areas.
South Maui can be considered the driest and hottest area on Maui. So, it’s very popular with sun lovers. Kihei on a 7-mile stretch of white sand beaches provides Maui’s best vacation bargain. It’s just the opposite of a Maui vacation at Wailea 5-star resort hotels like the Four Seasons and the Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa. Wailea is the ‘playground’ for the celebrities. Wailea has warm, clear water with lots of tropical fish and year-round sunshine and clear blue skies.
If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle, then Makena might be right for you. You can spend a quiet, relaxing vacation on Makena beach. It’s long ways to drive though to any kind of Maui activities. So make sure serenity is what you want for your Maui beach vacation.
As most everybody rents a car for their Maui vacation (there is no public transportation on Maui!), except from the few visitors who take a shuttle to their Maui resort and don’t move from the beach, unless they get a Mai Tai at the beach bar, a trip to famous Haleakala Volcano in Haleakala National Park is a must.
When arriving at Maui Airports Kahului Airport or Kapalua Airport for your Maui vacation, pick up vacation brochures for Hawaii right there. If you want to be better prepared for your best Hawaii vacation, order your free vacation brochures for Maui ahead of your trip or buy the ‘Maui Revealed’ book as your travel companion for your Maui travel.
You want to know what the weather is like right now on Maui, check here:
Kahului Weather Maui See current local weather in Kahalui and weather forecast.
Lahaina Weather Maui See current local weather in Lahaina and weather forecast.
Hana Weather Maui See current local weather in Hana and weather forecast.
Bookmark this page. We will include links on "How to have a great Maui vacation & Save Money". Aloha Pua Hawaii Vacation Guide
Toshua from WahineStyle is our Maui Post girl.
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For your best Maui vacation, we recommend the book 'Maui Revealed', which you can buy at Amazon very cheap. Take it with you as your travel campanion on your Maui vacation.
Friday, June 8, 2007
How to get free vacation brochures for Hawaii?
Botanical Gardens & Flowers/Nurseries
Sightseeing Tours & Adventure Tours
Galleries & Museums
Diving & Snorkeling
Fishing & Kayaking
Whale Watching
Party & Dinner Cruises, luaus
Restaurants& Shopping
Vacation Homes & Hawaii Vacation Condominium
Hawaii Wedding
Vacation Packages
Real Estate
Buy Vacation Brochures for Hawaii with coupons and promo codes
If you want to pay for your vacation brochures for Hawaii, including coupons and promo codes, visit HawaiiWeb. They will send you up to 4 pounds of color Hawaii vacation brochures, maps, coupons, and information for O'ahu, Maui, Kaui, Big Island, Molokai, or Lanai. The Island brochure packets provide you with the most up-to-date information. HawaiiWeb.com claims that their vacation brochures save you hundreds of dollars on saving coupons for restaurants, activities, gifts and admission fees.
Don't forget there are the Hawaii guide books like Frommer's Hawaii 2007 and Fodor's Hawaii 2006 with comprehensive Hawaii Vacation. Have your best Hawaii Vacation.
Aloha, Pua Kohala Coast Vacation Guide
Share your Hawaii experience with our Hawaii blog visitors. They'd love to hear from you.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Best Hawaiian Luau Show
Yes, we know it's kind of touristy with all the aloha calling, hula dancing and eating kalua pig which has been cooked covered in ti leaves for hours in a Hawaiian 'imu' (fireplace in the open made from lava rocks for cooking luau pig and other meats) and being served poi, the original Hawaiian diet. Well, don't miss the food, whether you like it or not (it's definitely an acquired taste) and don't miss the show at the luau because everything what you will experience at your Hawaiian luau is part of the ancient Hawaiian culture and traditions.
The highlight of any Hawaiian luau is the Samoan or Polynesian Fire Dance. One can see some dare devils there, and the fast beat of the drums gets Hawaiian visitors drawn into this special performance. If you have never had a chance to watch a Polynesian Fire Dance, we have two choices for you. Which Samoan or Polynesian Fire Dance do you like best?
Let's hear your choice. If you have seen an exceptional Hawaiian luau show, which you think other Hawaii visitors should see, please, share with us. Tell us Hawaiian Island and hotel or resort. As usual, we are looking forward to hearing from you. Aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacation and Accommodation Guide