But then I was thwarted: I could not find affordable prints of his work anywhere (I hadn't, then, stumbled across this brilliant Charley Harper prints website). But while on a work excursion to the opening of the new Saatchi Gallery in the King's Road, London, I found myself in the rather lovely little on-site shop and spotted the Charley Harper Memory Card Game - the children's game where you have to find two of the same images on little card squares and match them up. It cost less than a tenner, but I walked away with a whole bundle of Harper pictures in one little box - brilliant. Once home, I laid them out on a piece of card to fit a nice, square Ikea birchwood frame, glued them down once I was happy with the arrangement - et voila: cheap art!
The Saatchi shop online isn't very easy to navigate so I can't see if they still sell it, but I found it on Amazon for a bargainous £7.53. Nice.
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