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Monday, November 8, 2010

Shopping for my studio...and a giveaway update

Morning all,

Firstly, I just want to clarify a few details on my big giveaway. As I'm running the giveaway alongside my 20% off sale until 21st December, I wanted to let you know that, if the winner has also bought artwork through my Etsy or MadeIt store during the giveaway period, they can either:

  • Choose another painting of their choice, or
  • Have the price of their original purchase refunded to them, whichever they'd prefer.
I've had a few emails asking me about this, so I'm more than happy to offer the winner whichever option they'd like. So don't forget to leave me a comment here to enter if you haven't already, but hurry, you only have until Wednesday!

Now the housekeeping is out of the way, on to some studio shopping! As I've mentioned before, I'm far from neat when I'm working in the studio. I've tried to keep things under control, believe me, but when I'm in the middle of a new painting, the place is a shambles. So I'm thinking some new furniture might help the situation (at least that's how I justify it anyway!). Two things are on my list at the moment - some vintage architect drawers, and a chalkboard. For the drawers, I was thinking something like this:

ok, not drawers, but this might have to be added to the list as well :) 

All gorgeous, right? But then I saw this:

...and I'm in love! Vintage, a little chippy, and in my fave colour to boot. Now I just need to find it...:) 

Oh, and before I forget - it just so happens that I do have a chalkboard stashed in my shed (I know you're not surprised!) so that just needs a clean up and re-paint. It's an antique school board, and came complete with the easel I use daily in my studio - you know the one:

I'll share all the pics once I manage to get it out and cleaned up. 

Enjoy your day everyone,

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