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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sneak attack

It really feels like Christmas has crept up on me this year. One minute it was October, somehow I completely missed November, and then Christmas was looming out of the blue. I blame it partly on this weather - it definitely does not feel like summer here at all. It's rained on and off for the past few months, so the usual blistering hot days which herald the start of the holidays just haven't arrived.

To make matters worse, we still haven't put our tree up. You see, each year, we decide on a different colour theme. We decided on a turquoise and silver theme this year - but of course, when I went to buy new decorations, there was nothing to be found! Ah well, we'll manage somehow, and the tree will go up today one way or another. But then I saw this image over at the lovely Oliveaux:

...and was instantly smitten! How lovely is this, and what a nice change from the traditional wreath. I am officially in love, and think this would be just perfect for an 'Aussie' Christmas. But there's just one problem...now I need to add this to my list of impossible to find decorations! 

Ah, the joys of the silly season....

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