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Thursday, November 4, 2010

A thank you update

I must add another thank you to my list this week. Paddy Hintz is a journalist at The Courier Mail newspaper here in Brisbane, and also writes a blog called Shop Smart. It just so happens that Paddy found me via Kerry, and we got to chatting about blogging, facebook and the like. Well, she was kind enough to post about my sale on her blog today, so I'd like to add a big thank you to her as well.

Just follow the links and you'll find her blog, and Facebook page. Paddy's blog shares the inside knowledge on the biggest and best bargains, and has all the tips on getting more bang for your buck.

visit Paddy's blog here

...you can read the rest of her post here.

What a nice way to start the weekend! I hope you all have a good one too, and I'll catch you soon.

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