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Thursday, November 4, 2010

A big Thank You!

Wow, what a great week! I've been lucky enough to have some wonderful blog friends mention Driftwood Interiors over the past few days, and a thank you or three is definitely in order.

Firstly, the lovely Abby from Two Little Dicky Birds kicked off her 'Blogs that Inspire' series with a lovely mention of my blog. Not only that, but she also put together a photo montage of some of my paintings. Abby's blog is absolutely gorgeous, and it really showcases her amazing photography skills, so pop on over and check out her blog, it's one of my favourites.

 you can read the whole post here

Not one, but two mentions on Monday! I received a lovely email from Sarah, whose blog, My First Little Place is one that's new to me. She very kindly posted about my mirror makeover, and the best part - I discovered another fantastic blog to add to my ever-expanding blog roll. Her blog is full of inspiration, from her design ideas for her first little place, to 'fashion, movies, pretty things and random things!' Sounds perfect, don't you think? Thanks Sarah!

And if that wasn't enough, on Tuesday, the gorgeous Kellie from Ada and Darcy posted about my painting, 'Kellie's Vase', which was inspired by a beautiful cloisonne vase in her stunning new shop, Ada and Darcy. Inspiration and a mention - too nice for words!

you can see the original vase here in Kellie's beautiful shop

So it's been quite a week. Thank you so much for the mention ladies, you're too kind. And, of course, thanks to all of you who visit my blog. You're all awesome to the power of you-know-what!

p.s dont't forget to enter my giveaway - your choice of an original painting. Click here to enter!

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